What can be gained from evaluations?

Assessments allow the examination of a wide array of concerns including cognitive processing skills like attention, memory, executive functioning and processing speed. It provides information about social, emotional and behavioral functioning. Testing can also provide information about a child’s academic skills such as reading, writing, and math abilities. It can clarify complex concerns and shed light on areas that are not easily observed. We can tailor the evaluation to suit your needs. Once I interpret the evaluation results I provide recommendations, which include specific strategies and accommodations that are relevant for the child. Evaluations can help in the process of determining eligibility for Special Education services and accommodations on the SATs and ACTs, like extended time on testing.

What do I tell my child about the evaluation appointment?

I believe it is best to present it in a positive fashion. For example, you could explain they will be meeting with me to get to know how they learn including their strengths and that I will come up with ideas on strategies to use their strengths to help areas that may be difficult. I often let children know that I wish everyone could participate in an evaluation because the information is so empowering and helpful to know. While some children initially feel unsure about the process and meeting with a new person, once we get started, children typically have a good time with the activities we do together (such as working with blocks and finding patterns in pictures).